
New Phone Numbers

Please update your address book with our new phone numbers:

Genport Reception + 39 039 5965 120
Administration + 39 039 5965 121
Laboratory Batteries + 39 039 5965 123
Laboratory Fuel Cell + 39 039 5965 124
Sales & Marketing + 39 039 5965 125
Laboratory Mechanical and Logistic + 39 039 5965 126
Engineering + 39 039 5965 127
Production + 39 039 5965 128
Fax + 39 039 5965 129
Genport Main Phone Number + 39 039 5965 120
Administration + 39 039 5965 121
Laboratory Batteries + 39 039 5965 123
Laboratory Fuel Cell + 39 039 5965 124
Sales & Marketing + 39 039 5965 125
Technical Support + 39 039 5965 126
Engineering + 39 039 5965 127
Production + 39 039 5965 128
Fax + 39 039 5965 129